Our mission to provide liason between the SSP Adminstration, community, parents and children to create a unified platform of learning. Scroll below and get to know who we are.
Nichole Donaldson
ELAC President
As our ELAC President, Nich0le Donaldson brings a paramount level of energy and passion to our board. From planning fun activities to organizing fundraisers, working with her is an absolute pleasure.
Monica Jenniges
Meet Monica! She brings her organization, can do attitude and amazing sense of humor to our council. After each meeting she organizes everything that was talked about and that we are going to circle back to into a tidy email that keeps us all on track.
Kate White
As the board’s dedicated Treasurer, Kate White makes sure to keep tabs on everything that’s happening at ELAC. Kate is a pleasure to work with and an absolute asset to our team.